Photo taken at the Manna gathering, Petra, Jordan 2017
Wisdom circles
There is much wisdom in this world that needs to be revived and remembered to build the future of our dreams.
A wisdom circle is a sacred gathering and collective immersion of consciousness, intuition and creativity.
We will experience the power of coming together in circle to sense and share what life has taught us.
Through various practices we will deepen our connection to our heart and body to serve the unfolding and remembrance of our inherent wisdom. We will dive deeper into the mysteries of our world through sharing and practices revolving around conscious quantum creation, meditation, body awareness, breath work, space and time, sexual energy and the dance of the masculine and feminine, art, physics and metaphysics, ceremony, song, nature wisdom and more.
During these circles there will always be an open space for inspiration, wisdom and creative and spontaneous intuitions to be shared by participants in the moment. There is room for at least one or two co-hosts to co-facilitate these circles and commit to the holding of the group.
Also if you are interested in a Wisdom Circle about a specific topic, feel welcome to contact me to see how we can make it happen.

Blue Lotus online Peace convergence ~ "Back to the origins"
November 03, 2020
In this upcoming sacred online convergence, we invite you once again for a global, collective meditation and sharing focussed on fostering Peace and the rise of the Blue Lotus as a heralder of our collective rebirth and new consciousness in our world.
☥ Back to the origins ☥
The focus for this upcoming call will be to connect to the origins of the Blue Lotus Flower. We will connect with the lands of the Nile, ancient Nubia (upper Egypt) and Khemet, and our own human origins in Africa.
In relation to this, Anthe Aelea and Aansan will share about an upcoming trip to Nubia that is part of a bigger journey.
During the call a space will be hosted to come home to our Hearts, place the Lotus at the centre of our circle, weave a space of peace and allow the unfolding of our inner wisdom to take place from trust and surrender. From this space the invitation will be open to share any inspiration and reflections that arise with one another.
We will also welcome the team of the Blue Lotus Rising event in Egypt, which took place on International Peace Day 21st of September this year, to share about their event, their vision and state of affairs in Egypt. Check out the fresh video that was made during the event for an impression of the community in Egypt here: https://www.facebook.com/togetherma3ba3d/videos/667140560841610
Blue Lotus online Peace Convergence
October 14, 2020
In this upcoming sacred online convergence, we invite you once again for a global, collective meditation and sharing focussed on fostering Peace and the rise of the Blue Lotus as a heralder of our collective rebirth and new consciousness in our world.
The focus for this upcoming call will be to come home to our Hearts, place the Lotus at the centre of our circle, weave a space of stillness and allow the unfolding of our inner wisdom to take place from trust and surrender. From this space the invitation will be open to share any inspiration and reflections that arise with one another. During the call we will also welcome the team of the Blue Lotus Rising event in Egypt, which took place on International Peace Day 21st of September this year
We look forward to your presence!
~ Welcome and meditation:
Anthe Aelea | Welcome, opening and introduction circle and collective grounding meditation
~ Open Space:
A space to connect in stillness and listen to the Lotus at the center. Share gifts of reflections, visions and wisdom or supportive practices that arise.
~ Blue Lotus event:
Blue Lotus Rising team | Aansan Yeh | Reflections on their Lotus Rising event and campaign in Egypt and related unfoldment of the Lotus mystery and alchemy. Invitation to co-create.
~ Round of reflections, questions and expressions of resonance from the attendees with the Blue Lotus Rising team.
~ Collective closing meditation
Anthe Aelea | Guided meditation for invoking deeper peace.
De-story HER-story ~ Women's Circle
September 26, 2020
As the embodiment of the feminine principle, women are gatekeepers and beholders of the sacred space. The void from which all life is created, rises, flowers and dissipates.
Whatever stories we align ourselves with, whether consciously or unconsciously, we grant to exist and manafest in our physical reality.
Over time many stories have been brought and birthed into our world about woman and her role in this world.
Yet, what does it truly mean to be a woman? And which stories empower our true nature and which ones do we wish to de-story?
This circle will provide a sanctuary to come undone with old stories, empower our essence and remember ourselves as the sacred creatrixes of our own world, our sovereign story and MA-trix, originating from the prime mother principle.
As part of this we will honor the native Aborgine spirit of #dadirri ~ a deep inner listening to the earth, our true nature, presence and quiet awareness.
This is a free offering for Burning Seed, the Australian Burner collective, www.burningseed.com
Blue Lotus Rising ~ online Peace Convergence
September 22, 2020
Join us in this sacred online convergence following the Equinox and International Peace Day, where we will gather to foster Peace and the rise of the Blue Lotus as a heralder of our collective rebirth and new consciousness in our world.
Since ancient times, the Blue Lotus has been associated with rebirth. As the flower retracts into the water at night and re-emerges afresh at dawn, the Egyptians associated the lotus flower with the Sun which also sets before the night and rises again in the morning. In many hieroglyphic artworks the Lotus is depicted as emerging from Nun (the primordial water) bearing the Sun God.
In this time of the world, we are witnessing great global shifts. Our Earth is going through a rebirthing and we as her children, will see ourselves and our world transform along with her.
We will welcome the team of the Blue Lotus Rising event in Egypt, which took place on International Peace Day 21st of September, to share about the ancient Blue Lotus mysteries, as well as their vision and state of affairs in Egypt. There will be space for group sharing and questions.
We look forward to your presence!
~ Welcome and meditation:
Anthe Aelea | Welcome, opening circle and grounding meditation
~ Blue Lotus mysteries & event:
Blue Lotus Rising team | Introduction into the Blue Lotus mysteries and the purpose of the Lotus Rising event and campaign in Egypt.
~ Collective Meditation:
Anthe Aelea | Guided meditation for invoking Blue Lotus consciousness, peace and planting a new seed for creation.
~ Round of reflections, questions and expressions of resonance from the attendees with the Blue Lotus Rising team
~ Closure

Unleash the Dragon's Dream
September 05, 2020
Roaring times call for the awakening of our inner dragon, a power that connects our raw, primordial life force with our transcendent divine light. A larger than life force that helps us rise like phoenixes from the ashes of what needs to burn and transform into more light. Through sharing, vocal activation, breath and movement meditation we will work with:
~ Awakening and governing our earthy passion, life force and creative sexual power from our hearts
~ Feeling and voicing the truth of our deep body wisdom and honoring our full body yes and no
~ Transcending limitations and illusions we currently experience through activating our lucid light body and tapping into the bigger dream of life

Solstice New Moon Ceremony ~ Sourcing Back to the Black Void within
June 20, 2020
Join me 11PM GMT / 3PM PST for a Water inspired Solstice New Moon journey at the “World Pool” back into the magnetic black well, void and infinite source of life within. A heartwarming, meditative, mystical experience and space for sharing where we can reflect together on current global currents and will move out of mind and time to dream up a new reality of life and give voice to the void.
Enjoy wisdom transmissions touching on lucid states of being, conscious creation and and the cycles of life, death and rebirth. Supported by dreamlike water inspired music, breathwork, movement meditation and poetry.
This ceremony will be part of a bigger immersive and highly inspiring co-creative burner community fueled online experience. Find the event via @coreality_collective

Wisdom Circle for Women - Friday 13th
December 13, 2019
On this special date that was traditionally celebrated as a day of the Goddess, we will gather in circle to sense, share and weave our wisdom together as a collective body, heart and consciousness of the Divine Feminine.
Through breath work, fertility yoga, song and dance we will deepen our connection to our body and intuition to serve the unfolding and remembrance of our inherent wisdom.
We will dive deeper into the mysteries of our world and our creative sovereignty as women, through unraveling the true meaning of the number 13 and the natural cycle of time and our fertility.
This evening will also feature a healing Rite of the Womb blessing and wisdom shared from mystery traditions of India, Egypt, Eastern Europe and the Middle East along with a heavenly live music performance.
We warmly welcome and invite you to join us and share your wisdom.
Please sign up if you plan to attend, as we have space for a limited amount of attendees.
Time & Space: 18:30-23:00, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: Motherhood, Kinkerstraat 270.
Food included: to be announced
Price: €13,-
(video by Nina Paley)


In this online Equinox Sacred MER convergence on the 21st of March, we will dive into the wisdom teachings and the healing properties of water as an element of purification and it’s connection to ancient civilizations such as MU and Meritah which is known as indigenous Africa.
As part of this, we will focus on the MER cure through looking into heavy metals such as mercury and their relationship to water pollution as well as emotional purification. Within this scope there will also be space to reflect on the current state of affairs on our planet, our wellbeing and the global health discussion on vaccines.
During the call we will also facilitate embodiment practices for daily hydration to improve our health as
living, walking and breathing ‘water beings’.
Join us for a beautiful flow of:
~ Teachings on Water as an element of purification
~ Wisdom offerings on sacred MER teachings, including from ancient Africa
~ Collective alignment practices for emotional transmutation, personal health, empowerment and replenishment of our inner well and the waters of our planet.
~ Fluid dynamic movements based on the circulation of Qi
~ Sound practice
~ Closing water blessing and daily hydration tools to take away
WHEN | March 21st,
TIME | 6 pm CET, 10 am PST
duration 1,5/2hrs
TICKET| Sliding scale from €22-29
For registration and ZOOM ID, please send an email to: harakama@posteo.net
We look forward to have you on board with us!
With water Blessings,
This workshop is hosted by the Harakama foundation – cofounded through Anthe Aelea and Aansan Yeh
The Harakama foundation aims to support human and planetary evolution through fostering wholesome environments for conscious creation, creative self-expression, the sacred arts, emotional wellbeing and education. We envision to use this workshop as a template for humanitarian purposes in the future and to make it accessible for various communities and people from all walks of life.